3 miles,

1-12-2013 Glow Run 5k - St. Pete

12:59 AM Dena 0 Comments

I was super super excited for this 5k! We have been prepping for this 5k for more than a week before hand and even though there were a tons of mishaps we all still had a blast. I also loved the quality of the shirts we received (unisex) and I'm going to reuse our tutus in the future for our other fun 5ks. Rhea and I have been trying to do at least one 5k a month and it's some what happening except for last month which was a bit too crazy with money and time.

I wish we had taken more photos but I'm really glad we had a few somewhat good photos. They def show you how awesome our gear was for that night. We took some off the camera but they were mostly blurry, luckily the ones off our iphones turned out nice.

This was the first 5k medal I got. It's a pretty awesome piece of metal too, too heavy to wear but I love it!! I absolutely love our outfits :D!

Ending photo with the Glow Run 5k banner and a fobby fountain picture!


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